Faith seems tangible again. Praise the Lord!

Posted by May on Saturday, March 05, 2011

Praise the Lord! I am finally in a place, once again, where God is able to directly communicate with me through scriptures. Though I am currently going through difficult times, God is always faithful, and He clearly proves it through His Word in the bible.

Even when I feel like my heart has been placed into a mincing machine, when I feel like I've been betrayed by the people who were meant to be the closest to me, and all that trust that I have been building for months/years seems to count for nothing and all my efforts seems to be wasted - the Lord is always there to comfort me and assure me that everything will turn out fine as long as I surrender and lift all my heartaches and troubles up to him.

Recently, everything that I have been reading has been so applicable to my circumstances and my problems. Faith seems tangible again. I miss this kind of intimacy. It’s been quite a while since I’ve trusted the Lord to this extent, or anyone for that matter. Although my troubles seem to be engulfing my life, I feel peace.

Thank you Lord, for bringing me back down to my knees.