I deserve to be slapped

Posted by May on Sunday, April 25, 2010

I'll be honest, I've said this before but there was a time I would race home from school, take out all my homework and lay them in a neat pile on the side of my desk. I would then slowly tackle each of them in order of how they were stacked, usually completing ALL my homework just in time to catch The Simpsons on TV at 6p.m. Believe it or not, I was always in bed by latest 9p.m. But that was about 6 years ago.

Now, in 2010... I would crawl back from a shitty day at university, chuck my bag on the floor at the corner of my room, procrastinate at the mounting pile of assignments just waiting to be completed, log on facebook to check my notifications, create plans with friends to hang out later at night then with the remaining spare hours, I would settle for nanna naps or 'How I met your Mother'. And it doesn't stop there. I would come home in the wee hours of the morning and continue to talk on MSN until sunrise. (Best MSN conversations always happens late at night)

So yeah, maybe that's why I have a really bad habit of leaving my assignments 1 or 2 days before it's due then start stressing out over it and finding myself cramming my assignments to the wee hours of the morning on the day that it's due.

If only assignments, were just a little less testing and a little more engaging then I probably wouldn't end up turning my graph paper into a dot-to-dot game, end up tracing around the staple bullets found at the top left side of my paper or proceed to draw love hearts all over the free space located on my paper.

I know I've said this before but I am going to be majorly busy over the next few weeks.

And, I know I make no sense.

I complain about how busy I am, about how assignments are taking over my life... yet I still seem to find time to procrastinate, make plans to hang out with friends and watch 'How I met your Mother' for hours.

Sometimes, I deserve to be slapped.