Just an update
Posted by May on Sunday, January 31, 2010
Well.. school re-opens tomorrow and as much as I hate to admit it, a part of me wants to attend school again because knowing I’ll never experience the feeling of high school again makes me miss school a lot more than I should. Knowing that I’ll miss the school atmosphere, seeing familiar faces everyday, lunch breaks, waiting for the bell to ring, the feeling of happiness when teachers are absent. But, if you know me well enough, you would know I dislike the first day of school. I guess, I hate change. I hate the thought of getting new teachers and having to go through the process of getting to know them again, I hate changing classmates, I hate getting a new timetable when I’m so familiar with the old one.
And, yes.. getting to know my teachers is a bad thing because, when I have a question that needs to be answered, I literally have a debate with my brain for around the next 15 minutes (I’m not exaggerating) if I should ask, how should I say it.. do I really need to ask them or can I find this out myself, or maybe I should ask my friend because they MIGHT know. Of course, I keep doing this for the next few months to possibly half a year every time I have a question that needs to be answered. What pisses me off a lot is that when I’m slowly starting to raise my hand to ask question, it is usually a few months before school ends for the year. Then the next year, the same routine starts again.
But of course, after typing all this up, I am quite thankful.. high school is over.
And yes, after reading that.. I guess, you don’t have to be a genius to guess that my first day of university life is not going to be an exciting day for me, NOT EVEN CLOSE. I can imagine myself carrying a map in my sweaty palms, freaking out like a lost puppy. I guess, knowing that I’m not going to be the only one does make me feel a little better. Just a tat.
Anyways, I have no idea why I decided to blog about this, but yeah.
Just wanted to let my blog readers know, I’m still here.
So yeah…
I’m still alive!
The Blogger
May! ♥
Eightteenyears old
21st December | Sagittarius
Murdoch University
Perth, Western Australia
You know my name, not my story.Nuff said!
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