A day to remember - because it's so hard to forget!

Posted by May on Thursday, January 28, 2010

27 January~
a day after australia day

It was that night, where all of us had something to be sad about!
The mood and atmosphere - depressing.

6 of us were lying on the pavement outside Joe's house at Midnight.
4 were thinking about their own issues, while the 2 watched in silent.

There were d&m conversation going around about relationship, crushes..
(d&m - deep and meaningful)

Some talked about it, while others rather keep to themselves.
Most tears were held in, but not all.

It was silent, but I think everyone knew that they were there for each other.
That feeling, right there.. was gold!


For me..

knowing that I'll never stand a chance..
knowing he doesn't have the same feeling for me.
coming to face with the truth - that's reality.

at least, now I know.
it's never going to happen..
I have to accept it and move on with my head held high.

As quoted from Reyna...
(edited by me!)

Done with hurting,
Sore from screaming.
Sure I'm crying,
but I don't mind smiling.


What doesn't kill only makes you stronger!